Health Conditions That Could Prevent Good Sleep

Just as sleep deprivation can cause a multitude of health issues, certain conditions can cause restlessness and disrupted sleep patterns. Sleep loss isn’t an inevitability of life. If you’re experiencing disrupted sleep patterns, seek the medical advice of your physician for treatment.

We want our patients well rested and healthy. Keep reading to learn about common conditions that cause restlessness and how to improve your sleep.

Heartburn Issues

Smokers, pregnant women and obese individuals commonly experience heartburn, which can prevent them from getting a good night’s rest. Rather than always resorting to over-the-counter medication for chronic heartburn, seek the advice of a medical professional to make sure the heartburn isn’t leading to more than disrupted sleep. There are alternative routes to eliminating your heartburn that can be safely done from home.

  • Reduce amount of food you’re eating or eat smaller, more frequent meals
  • Avoid alcohol or drinks with caffeine
  • Limit your intake of fatty and spicy foods
  • Don’t lie down after eating
  • Try to eat meals at least 3 hours before bedtime

Heart disease is another culprit of sleeplessness. A compromised heart or arteries may cause you to wake up with a painful or uncomfortable tightness in your chest. Sleep apnea may also be related to a gradual failing of the heart.

Breathing Disorders

Chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma can all lead to coughing, which can keep you up at night and prevent you from falling asleep. Those who are asthmatic seem to be especially vulnerable to suffering from night attacks caused by compromised lungs, which can force the individual out of a deep sleep.

Pain From Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fibromyalgia, arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders can be so painful enough that it’s nearly impossible to fall asleep. In addition to sleeping poorly, these disorders can cause a person to wake up with soreness and throbbing throughout the body. Currently, over 50 percent of those who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia have disrupted deep sleep cycles.

Thyroid Problems

Individuals with overactive thyroids commonly experience fatigue, disturbances in their sleep and difficulty shutting out stimulants. Even if those with thyroid problems are able to fall asleep, there’s a good chance they’ll wake often during the night. Alternatively, a person’s thyroid can be underactive, which can result in a need for more sleep and sleeping during the daytime. Often these individuals will experience constant fatigue, no matter if they’ve slept the night before.


Having to get up several times during the night to urinate can damage proper sleep patterns, which is a condition known as nocturia. There are several causes and treatments of the condition. Common causes include diabetes, prostate issues, and excess alcohol intake. Those who experience the frequent need to urinate at night and aren’t diagnosed with kidney disease or nocturia could instead have diabetes. In addition to urinating, diabetics frequently sweat at night and experience changes in their blood sugar levels. Effective treatment options include medical care and proper disease management.

Anxiety and Depression

Those who are in good physical health might have poor mental health that’s keeping them up at night. Mental conditions such as anxiety can cause a person to experience panic attacks while sleeping or to wake up early. Suffering from depression can lead to sleeping during the daytime and waking up during early morning hours, both of which can alter sleep patterns and keep you from the most essential sleep stage, REM sleep. To learn more about how depression affects your health, click here (hyperlink blog on physical symptoms of depression).

At Golden Triangle Emergency Center, we understand the effects sleeplessness can have on your daily life. Sleep play an invaluable role in maintain and protecting your health. GTEC is here for your 24/7 with prompt, compassionate emergency care for major or minor ailments. Let us know if you have any tips and tricks for beating restlessness!

When Prescription Drugs Can Be Dangerous

Drugs, both over the counter and prescription, are used by people to treat acute and chronic health conditions. They relieve symptoms, cure infections, and enhance or prolong quality of life. These drugs go through trial testing and must meet strict government guidelines to determine their safety and efficacy before they are ever made available to the general public. When medications are prescribed by a physician or specialist as a form of treatment, they should be taken as directed in order to be effective and safe.

Not every treatment works for every patient, and they can cause problems such as side effects, drug interactions, allergic reactions, and other situations that may be life-threatening. Patients should advocate for their safety when using prescription drugs through communication with their healthcare providers. Medications can be dangerous when used improperly, whether the misuse is accidental or intentional, and there may be serious health consequences. Follow these tips to ensure your health through the proper use of prescription drugs.

Follow Doctor’s Orders

Medication should be taken as directed in order to obtain therapeutic benefits. Physicians write prescriptions to fit the needs of each individual patient, adjusting dosages to account for weight, age, and other factors. Make sure to finish a prescription even if symptoms have improved, as they could recur or resist additional treatment. You should never alter the dosage, or take another person’s prescription medication because serious health consequences may occur.

Be Aware of Side Effects

Researching potential side effects and informing your doctor of all medical history is essential in ensuring your safety. We encourage our patients to be advocates of their health in all situations, which includes being informed about the medication you’re prescribed and addressing any concerns with your physician. If you’re reacting adversely to medication, don’t be afraid to ask for alternative treatment. If you are the primary caretaker of an ill loved one, make sure to watch for negative side effects and advocate on their behalf, if necessary.

Maintain a List of All Prescriptions

Patients may see more than one physician, so it is best to have a list of all medications and additional supplements to reduce the likelihood of drug interactions with a new prescription. With this information, doctors can determine the best treatment to reduce the risk of side effects. A list can be kept in a wallet or purse or a photo of all medications on a smartphone can be kept for easy reference.

Know Addiction Warning Signs

One of the biggest concerns with prescription medication is the danger of becoming addicted. Look out for any changes in mood and behavior after using prescription drugs or if a loved one is using a new medication. If agitation, irritability, or anxiety related to procuring medications develops, you need to alert the treating physician. Dependence can also develop without typical symptoms. Family members should contact a healthcare professional if patients become overly concerned with the status of their medication, including how often they take it or any attempts to gain access to more than prescribed. Some patients may recognize signs of addiction, but others may not be able to identify symptoms in themselves as easily. It’s essential to build a support system to identify and promptly address signs of dependence.

To learn more about addiction, visit the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction’s website and read their blog about identifying signs and symptoms of drug dependence.

Communicate With Your Physician

Doctors prescribe drugs based on the information provided through a patient history, as well as the results of tests and observations during physical exams. If side effects, potential addiction, or other adverse reactions arise, the patient or family members should contact the physician or specialist to relay that information. It is best to share concerns when they develop to resolve them quickly. By waiting to communicate any drug-related issues, the patient’s health may be further compromised and treatment impeded.

Golden Triangle Emergency Center wants every patient to achieve the best results from their prescription medication. Please visit us immediately if an emergency develops due to misuse, severe reactions or overdose occur from a prescription medication. We’re here for patients, day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with top quality medical care provided in a comfortable environment with short wait times. Let us know if you’ve ever experienced adverse side affects to a medication and how you addressed your concerns with your physician.

Can Depression Make Someone Physically Sick?

Depression can affect the body just as much as it affects the mind. Those who suffer from the debilitating mental condition might not even realize how deeply depression can penetrate their quality of life. Understanding the full symptoms of depression and the many ways it can negatively manifest in your health is essential to effectively treating the disease as well as its effects.

The Immune System

Depression can compromise the immune system, making the person you more vulnerable to common diseases. Receiving proper treatment allows the immune system to bounce back and properly protect the body from a variety of communicable diseases.

Sleep Patterns

Altered sleep patterns are a common symptom of depression and often lead to other physiological and psychological issues. In addition to an inability to fall asleep, a person who is experiencing depression may also sleep too much during the day. Getting too much or too little sleep can lead leads to greater physical health problems, which can further compromise the immune system. Disrupted sleep patterns and a weakened immune system can negatively affect a person’s relationships, work life and overall social interaction. Some of the most common symptoms of altered sleep and sleep deprivation are listed below.

  • Cognitive impairment – Lack of sleep or restlessness leads to decreased cognitive functions and poor memory.
  • Occupational risks – Multiple studies show the effects of sleeplessness on ability to perform at work, and workplace injuries rise significantly if you’re experiencing sleep deprivation.
  • Slowed alertness – Missing out on even a couple hours of sleep for one night can seriously affect your alertness and decrease your performance of common, daily tasks.

Chronic sleep deprivation puts you at risk for even more serious health issues including high blood pressure, heart attack, irregular heart beat, stroke and diabetes.

Heart Problems

Depression is often closely linked to severe, chronic stress and this combination can in turn have dire effects on the heart. High levels of stress hormone leads to the body producing more triglycerides in the bloodstream, which can in turn increases your risk for heart attack and heart disease. Anxiety, coupled with and caused by depression, can tighten blood vessels, increase heart rate and exasperate underlying heart conditions. Any signs of a heart attack, such as tightness in the chest, should be taken seriously and treated by a physician.

Weight Issues

Eating more than usual or experiencing a loss of appetite are also symptoms of depression. While one individual may cope with depression through eating, another may lose interest in food and experience rapid weight loss due to lack of proper nutrition. Depressed individuals who overeat are also at risk of experiencing additional health complications, such as diabetes and obesity.

Chronic Pain

Depression, contrary to popular belief, is not exclusively a disease of the mind. Just as chronic pain can lead to depression, depression can lead to chronic pain. Depression has serious physiological effects that can impact your quality of life and your ability to complete even the most mundane of daily tasks. Some of these chronic pains can be treated with medications, but it is still important to address the underlying cause.

Risk of Suicide or Self Harm

Because of negative emotions such as despair and hopelessness that commonly accompany depression, sufferers are at increased risk of suicide, self-harm and developing harmful addictions to drugs or alcohol to cope. Depression may also compromise judgement and lead depressed individuals into taking unnecessary risks or failing to avoid danger.

Depression’s power comes from its ability to isolate and alienate its victims from their loved ones. Don’t suffer alone. We encourage our patients to take charge of their mental health and seek proper treatment for their depression and any accompanying side effects. Golden Triangle Emergency Center is always open, providing attentive, unbiased care for those who are suffering from health crises. Let us know if you or a loved one has been affected by depression and how you learned to cope.

If you’re struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1(800) 273-8255 or click here to chat live with a trained professional.

Staying Safe Around Fireworks

Fireworks are an amazing sight to see and are often the focal point of holiday celebrations. Whether they are going off for the 4th of July, a New Year’s Eve celebration, or something else noteworthy, a fireworks display can be enjoyable for the whole family to watch. However, you should always be mindful whenever you are around fireworks because they can also be extremely dangerous. There are certain precautions you should take any time you are near firecrackers or other pyrotechnics. If injury does occur, it is important for the injured person to seek immediate medical treatment from Golden Triangle Emergency Center or another qualified medical facility. Prevention is the best medicine though and that is why we put together this quick guide to staying safe around fireworks.

Let the Experts Handle the Fireworks

Setting off your own fireworks can be fun because you are seeing them up close and personal, but you are also greatly increasing your odds of experiencing an injury. Sometimes the best course of action is to attend a public fireworks demonstration in the city where you are out of harm’s way and trained professionals are taking care of everything. Laws differ from place to place, and lighting your own fireworks can sometimes be illegal. Therefore, the safest and most legal option is often to simply find a nice place to set up camp and watch your city’s professional fireworks show.

Be Prepared When Handling Fireworks

If you do decide to light your own fireworks, then you must be ready for anything. That means having a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water nearby in case a firecracker catches fire in nearby shrubbery or if a firework fails to go off. You should never pick fireworks up by hand when disposing of them, instead douse them with water and then dispose of them accordingly.

Be Wary of Sparklers

Sparklers are often seen as a fun addition to a fireworks party because children enjoy running around with the bright lights. However, they can still get extremely hot and can cause severe burns if they get too close to the skin. If you do choose to give your children sparklers, make sure they are supervised. It may be best to just eliminate the sparklers altogether and give the kids glow sticks, which can be just as fun and last longer.

Additional Tips

Some other points to keep in mind to increase your chances of having a safe celebration are:

  • Never consume alcohol while dealing with fireworks.
  • Ignite fireworks in a clear area outside and never point a firework in the direction of a person, car, or house.
  • Never use a homemade firework.
  • Never let young children light a firework.
  • Make sure children are supervised if there are fireworks around.

By following some standard safety guidelines, you and your family can have a safe and enjoyable time together. If someone does get hurt, it is imperative that they receive prompt medical care. Golden Triangle Emergency Center is here 24/7 to provide quality care — including on holidays, weekends, or nights when firework displays are most common.

Facts and Statistics About Cancer

Cancer is an extremely devastating medical condition that affects millions of people on a yearly basis. It impacts individuals from nearly every walk of life, and it is currently the leading cause of death in the country. Due to its prevalence it is one of the most widely researched diseases in the world; however, a “cure” is still frustratingly out of reach. At Golden Triangle Emergency Center we are committed to improving the quality of life of our patients. That is why we put together the following guide about cancer related facts and statistics.

The Most Common Types of Cancer

There are many types of cancer, each one impacting a different bodily organ or system. The three most common cancers are as follows:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer

However, there are a multitude of other somewhat less common cancers including but not limited to the following:

  • Colon Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma – Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin
  • Melanoma
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Brain Cancer
  • Uterine Cancer‎
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Bone Cancer
  • Carcinoma
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Mouth Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Throat Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer

It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of cancers, but merely some of the many large categories of cancers a person may experience. Tragically, many of these cancers, such as pancreatic, have enormously high rates of mortality.

Yearly Cases of Cancer

The rate of cancer in the general population has been steadily climbing since cancer rates have been recorded. During the previous year alone, an estimated 1.7 million people received a cancer diagnosis, with roughly 590,000 of those diagnoses being fatal. This translates to roughly 458 out of 100,000 men and women being diagnosed with cancer on a yearly basis. The number of cancer deaths is 171 out of 100,000, but those with access to high-quality medical care have the greatest chance of survival.

Cancer Demographics

Demographically speaking, the cancer mortality rate is higher among men than women. The reason for this is currently unknown but could be due to a range of factors including lifestyle, behavioral, hormonal, and physiological differences.

African-American men have the highest mortality rate of any ethnic group. Asian American women have the lowest rates of cancer. Some disparity in mortality rates among the races is believed to be fueled at least in part by differences in income level and access to health care. However, genetic differences almost certainly also play a role.

Nearly 39.4% of all men and women will be diagnosed with cancer during the course of their lifetime. The overall rate of cancer is also much higher among the elderly than it is among younger people and steadily climbs as a person ages. Yet, some specific types of cancer like testicular cancer and Leukemia are more common earlier in life.

The Financial Cost of Cancer

Cancer is also an expensive disease. National expenditures for cancer treatment in the US reached $125 billion during the past year. This is projected to increase to roughly $156 billion over the next four years since the rate of cancer seems to be steadily rising. The largest amount of money went towards treating breast cancer and the smallest amount went towards treating esophageal cancer. To some extent the financial cost of cancer is starting to pay off with survival rates steadily increasing overall on a yearly basis across all demographics.

Cancer on a Global Scale

The United States is not the only country that is impacted by this rapid upsurge in cancer rates. Cancer is currently the leading cause of death worldwide, and there were nearly 14 million new cases reported last year. This is expected to rise to almost 22 million over the next two decades, but newer, more effective treatment options are expected to increase the survival rate as well. Almost 60% of the world’s new cancer cases occur in South America, Africa, and Asia.

Early Screening and Prevention

Here at Golden Triangle Emergency Center, we realize that many of these statistics seem depressing, and it can be hard to remember that one’s best chance from survival stems from regular check-ups. Basic cancer screening tests can catch the illness in its early stages, and significantly improve a patient’s chances of surviving. By understanding your risk for developing cancer, and seeking routine medical treatment, you can decrease your chances of developing this horrible illness.

Remember that if you are experiencing any complications due to either cancer or cancer treatment Golden Triangle Emergency Center is here to provide 24/7 emergency medical treatment in a comfortable, caring environment with state-of-the-art facilities and shorter wait times.

A Guide to Senior Citizen Health

As people age their bodies unavoidably begin to show the effects of this aging. Thus, because their health and bodies just aren’t what they used to be, it’s important for senior citizens to take extra steps to remain healthy in both mind and body. However, this does not mean that older people need to give up on having a high quality of life. Here at the Golden Triangle Emergency Center, we want to offer a helpful guide on what seniors can do to remain on their feet and feeling great no matter their age.

Understanding What Happens to an Aging Body

The best place to start with improving senior health is to understand just what happens when the human body ages. The reason older individuals bruise more easily is because their skin is thinner and not as flexible as it used to be. Bones become thinner and easily breakable while shifts in the body’s nervous system can often result in compromised mobility and balance. Fat tends to sink to the buttocks and abdominals, which often makes it harder for older individuals to maintain a healthy body weight.

In regards to mental health, senior citizens commonly experience problems with their memories. Some memory loss is an unavoidable part of the aging process, while more serious problems could indicate the presence of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Finally, it is also common for elderly people to begin to suffer sleep disturbances as they age.

Proper Exercise

While getting plenty of exercise is important at any age, it’s especially vital for seniors. Exercise allows seniors to remain mobile, improves their moods, strengthens muscles and bones, and can go a long way in preventing a number of health issues. Senior citizens should exercise for at least 30 minutes anywhere three to five times a week. The best exercises are those that increase the heart rate to at least 75 percent. Exercises recommended by the Golden Triangle Emergency Center include swimming, yoga, walking, and using exercise machines.

Improving Mental Health

Exercises for the mind are just as important as those of the body. Older individuals should think about taking classes at a local community college or online to keep their minds engaged and their neurons firing. Solving crossword puzzles, word games, Sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles also help with mental health and can double as social activities to beat depression. Finally, social engagement with friends and family helps to stave off much of the mental decline otherwise seen with advancing age.

Eating Right

Another crucial component of senior health is eating right. It’s best to focus on healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins as well as drink plenty of water. Proper sources of food include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Seniors should be mindful of the portions they eat, as large portions of healthy food can still result in a high intake of calories. It’s important to realize that metabolisms tend to slow as people age and if portion sizes and overall calorie intake do not similarly decrease it can easily lead to unwanted weight gain.

Foods that should be avoided at any age include those high in saturated fats, sugary options and any that contain empty calories. It’s also best for senior citizens to cut back on alcohol consumption. As always it is important for elderly people to consult their doctors’ before making any dietary changes.

Regardless of the age of our patients, Golden Triangle Emergency Center is here to help all people be their best and healthiest. We provide high quality emergency care 24/7 in a comfortable, state-of-the-art environment that is aimed at improving patient well-being.

Mammogram Fact Sheet

Mammograms are an important part of the breast cancer detection process. Ideally if performed regularly based on a woman’s age and risk factors then any changes or spots can be detected and the proper treatments action can be taken before the situation worsens. It is important for women to be aware of their risk factors and to receive mammograms on a regular basis.

What Is a Mammogram?

Essentially, a mammogram is an x-ray exam that utilizes low doses of radiation to identify any changes within the breast tissue. A radiologist will examine the results that are recorded onto a computer or x-ray film. Many times, a woman will go into the exam without any noticeable symptoms, but x-rays can reveal what is not visible to the naked eye.

How Are the X-Rays Done?

The mammogram is performed by an expert known as a radiologic technician. In total, the procedure should only takes about 20 minutes to complete. One after the other, your breasts will be placed between the plastic plate and the x-ray plate. The plates will flatten your breasts out in order to obtain the clearest picture possible. It may feel like a great amount of pressure and discomfort but it only lasts for a few seconds.

How Often Should You Receive a Mammogram?

It is recommended that women between the ages of 50 to 74 should receive a mammogram once every two years. However, you may need to go in more frequently if you have a family history of breast cancer. Women under the age of 50 should have a discussion with their doctors to see how often they should get the exam. Your overall health and risk factors will need to be taken into consideration to determine how regularly you need x-rays.

What Do Mammograms Show?

Ultimately, mammograms are used to determine if there are any changes with the tissue in the breasts. Occasionally, lumps are detected, and they can either be benign or a sign of cancer. The way doctors are able to tell is if the lump is smooth, then it is likely benign. Signs of cancer generally have a jagged outline and will be more uneven in shape. Something else that these tests can find is the presence of calcification. This occurs when calcium deposits lump together in the breast. Calcifications are not necessarily a sign of cancer, but doctors will typically recommend additional tests in order to be sure.

What Should You Do Before Going in for a Mammogram?

Your doctor will tell you of how to prepare for your specific exam, but in general, you should avoid wearing any perfume or deodorant on the day of your x-ray. This is due to the fact that these substances have the potential to create shadows on the mammogram. Anyone with breast implants should inform their doctor prior to the x-ray. Additionally, if you are getting a mammogram at a new facility, you should have any x-ray films taken at a different facility sent over.

Mammograms are just one component of a comprehensive cancer screening, and there are likely other steps you should take to monitor your health and detect any cancer early. It is important to note that mammograms do not actually prevent cancer, they merely detect it, ideally as early on as possible.

What Would You Do in the Event of an Emergency?

Golden Triangle Emergency Center wants to take this opportunity to pose a very important question: What would you do in the event of an emergency?

There are few things as instantly frightening as a health emergency. However, with a little bit of preparation and some basic knowledge about how to handle the situation you can get through it and keep yourself and others safe. Remember that GTEC is always open and ready to treat all health problems from minor illness to major emergencies.

Stay Calm and Evaluate the Situation

When confronted with a health emergency it is important to stay calm and evaluate the situation. If you are the one who is sick or injured try to take note of your symptoms and call for help or ask someone else to call for help for you. Don’t delay treatment, but don’t panic or do anything that might make your condition worse either. If you are having a health emergency don’t try to walk or drive yourself to the emergency room. Instead have someone else take you or call 911.

If you are with someone who is having a health emergency stay calm and try to keep the other person calm as well. Make them as comfortable as possible, but once again avoid doing anything that could make the situation worse like moving someone who is injured or allowing someone with a fever to overheat by bundling up in too many blankets. Try to get as much information as possible about the person’s condition and any other key facts so that you can pass that information along to the nurse, doctor, or EMT who is taking care of the person. Above all don’t delay in getting emergency help if you believe the person is in danger. Remember that sometimes someone who is sick or injured may not be thinking clearly and may not even realize they need emergency services.

Emergency Rooms Don’t Have to be Scary

Remember that though a health crisis is frightening, the emergency rooms doesn’t have to be scary. The emergency room is where you go, or where you take your loved one, to receive treatment for an injury or illness. All the doctors, nurses, and emergency room staff will have one goal in common: to help you or your loved one get better. At GTEC we always make our patients our number one priority and we will do everything possible to help alleviate the anxiety and fear that most people will naturally be experiencing due to the health crisis.

We are very excited about the Healthy Living event being hosted at our Port Arthur location. We are looking forward to answering any questions. Please contact us for more information about GTEC’s services. We are always here to help.

Emergency Tips for Venomous Snake or Spider Bites

Texas is home to all sorts of wildlife—some more dangerous than others. Snakes, spiders, and other venomous animals can be found all over the state, and it’s important to know what to do in case you get bitten or stung. Here at Golden Triangle Emergency Center we are dedicated to helping our patients and community stay safe from all sorts of health threats, including venomous bites and stings. That’s why we put together these emergency tips for how to handle venomous snake or spider bites.

Identifying Snakes

Texas is home to four kinds of venomous snakes: rattlesnakes, copperheads, water moccasins or cottonmouths, and coral snakes. The type of venom, and thus treatment given, varies across species. The best way to prevent snakebites is simply to avoid disturbing snakes in the first place, but if a bite does happen, then identifying the snake is very important so that medical professionals such as those at GTEC can determine which treatments to use. Try to get a good look at the snake; take a picture with your phone if necessary. However, do not get so close that the snake can bite again.

Venomous Snakes in Texas

Rattlesnakes, found across the state, are immediately identifiable by the rattles on their tails. Copperheads, as the name suggests, have copper-colored scales marked with hourglass-shaped bands of darker brown. Cottonmouths, also called water moccasins, are typically found around lakes and rivers; they are dark brown or black with lighter undersides and white mouths. Finally, coral snakes can be identified by their distinctive red, yellow, and black bands. Although there are many snakes that mimic this coloration pattern, coral snakes can be identified due to the fact that the red and black bands never touch.

First Aid for Venomous Snake Bites

In case of a snakebite, the best first aid practice is to have the victim lie down and remain as still as possible. This will slow circulation and the spread of poison through the body. The affected limb should be immobilized and positioned lower than the heart. While there are many popular myths about how snakebites should be treated, including cutting the area around the bite, sucking out the venom, or burning the bite, these solutions can be ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.

Medical Attention for Venomous Snake Bites

Instead, it is important to ensure that the victim is given medical attention as soon as possible. Visit an emergency room such as GTEC or call 911. This is to ensure that medication can be given to sedate the victim and relieve pain, and that antivenom can be administered to counteract the poison. The treatment given will depend on the severity of the reaction.

Venomous Spiders in Texas

Texas is also home to a number of poisonous spiders. The two most common are the brown recluse and black widow. Although identifying the spider that caused a bite is typically desirable, it might not always be possible since a bite might not be noticed for several minutes or even hours. Again, the best treatment is prevention—be careful when picking up rocks, firewood, or other items that spiders like to hide under, and shake out shoes and gloves before putting them on if they have been left outside.

Black Widows

Black widows can easily be identified by their black bodies and red hourglass shapes on their abdomens. Although the black widow is well-known and widely feared, this spider’s bite is rarely fatal. Generally, the bite is not even felt when it first occurs, although a painful burning sensation may begin to manifest itself within one-to-three hours.

Brown Recluses

On the other hand, brown recluse spiders are often brown or gray in color, with a violin-shaped marking near the back of the head. Although effects from a brown recluse bite can vary, a fever and chills may occur between 24 and 36 hours after the bite.

First Aid for Spider Bites

In the event of a spider bite, then the first step is to apply ice to the wound. This can reduce pain and swelling and may slow the spread of the venom. Then ensure that the victim receives medical attention and antidote to the poison if needed.

Other Venomous Pests in Texas

Finally, scorpions also live in Texas, some of which can be fatal. Typically, these creatures inject venom through a barb on their tail; pain from a scorpion sting is usually intense and immediate. In case of a scorpion sting, it is imperative that the victim is given professional treatment. Have the victim remain still and calm, apply ice if possible, and seek medical attention. Professionals at hospitals or emergency rooms such as Golden Triangle Emergency Center can provide assistance in case of spider, snake, and scorpion bites and stings.

Living a Happy and Healthy Life With Heart Disease

Heart disease impacts millions of people nationwide and it is one of the leading causes of death in the US and world. However, despite this somewhat bleak reality, it is nevertheless absolutely possible to live with heart disease and even thrive. Heart disease is a serious problem that requires attentive care and major lifestyle changes, but it can be managed. Here at Golden Triangle Emergency Center we are committed to improving quality of life for all our patients. That’s why we put together this short guide to living a happy and healthy life with heart disease.

Heart Disease and Diet

The health of your heart is greatly impacted by your diet, and after receiving a diagnosis of heart disease, it is necessary that you eat the healthiest foods available. Lean meats such as seafood and poultry should be steadily added into your diet, while fatty foods high in cholesterol should be steadily phased out. Whole grains, such as oatmeal, are also believed to have a positive impact on heart health, while processed carbohydrates should generally be avoided or minimized. Above all when it comes to diet, it should be noted that moderation is key. It is generally still possible to have occasional treats as long as they are a part of a balanced, heart healthy diet.

Heart Disease and Physical Activity

Exercise is another extremely important component of managing heart disease. Cardiovascular exercise is essential for maintaining good heart health and you should work closely with your physician to establish a regular exercise program. By starting small and working with medical professionals, you can create a tangible exercise plan that will combat the illness. Staying active will also help stave off other diseases, improve or maintain mobility, and improve overall life quality.

Heart Disease and Stress Reduction

No one enjoys stressful situations, but for those individuals who have recently been diagnosed with heart disease, stress can be especially hazardous to health. Stress is a normal biological response that prepares the body to enter fight or flight mode by releasing a cocktail of complex hormones. However, over time chronic stress puts a strain on nearly every body system, especially your heart.

Stress also typically raises blood pressure, forcing the heart to beat faster. In order to avoid this heightened state of arousal, patients should do everything in their power to reduce their stress levels. Effective strategies for coping with stress include removing yourself from the stressful situation, going for a walk, meditating, learning relaxation techniques, or enjoying a favorite, calming activity. Medication may also be prescribed to help combat stress, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

Heart Disease and Medication

Adhering to your medication regimen is another crucial element of successfully managing heart disease. You should take any prescribed medicines on a regular schedule and keep your physician informed of any noticeable changes. It is always best to consult your physicians before making any major lifestyle changes. Remember to be vigilant for drug interactions between your heart medication and other prescription, or even non-prescription drugs, and be aware of and avoid any dangerous foods or beverages that may interact with your medication. Avoid skipping doses or doubling up on doses.

You should also remember to schedule regular appointments with both your cardiologist and primary care physician. These responsibilities may seem daunting and often people who have heart disease may also suffer from other medical conditions that make things more challenging. Some heart disease sufferers are also elderly and may be beginning to experience memory loss. It is thus important for people in these situations to receive help from a trusted family member or caregiver who can keep them on track.

Final Thoughts on Heart Disease

In short, being diagnosed with heart disease isn’t the end of the world. With the right amount of knowledge and self-care, you can live a long and healthy life. Finally, in the event of a serious cardiac event like a heart attack prompt, immediate medical treatment is crucial, Golden Triangle Emergency Center is on hand 24/7 to provide state-of-the-art emergency medical care.